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Faculty & Staff

Jessie Kasynski

Jessie Kasynski

Manager of Student Affairs

Jessie Kasynski is currently the Manager of Student Affairs with the Presidents Leadership Class at the University of Colorado Boulder.  She is in her fifth academic year and manages the student “timeline” within the PLC program.  She heads the recruitment and selection, manages all of the PLC and affiliated scholarship allocation of approximately $260,000 per year, controls all PLC enrollment, tracks each student through completing PLC and the Minor in Leadership Studies, and finally, plans the senior send-off, marking the final step in the PLC journey.

Jessie graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2001 with a B.A. in geography with an emphasis in cartography.   She attended the University of Colorado again in 2004 -2006 earning a M.A. in secondary education.  Jessie taught high school geography at East High School in Denver, CO for 2 years before returning to her passion in cartography. She transitioned to an environmental consulting firm in Boulder as a full time cartographer and GIS technician.  Before coming to the Presidents Leadership Class in July of 2010, she contributed to freelance mapping projects for the NSIDC (National Snow and Ice Data Center), CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences), and ABC-CLIO, a collegiate textbook company based in Santa Barbara.  The Meaning of Ice, published by International Polar Institute Press, features many of Jessie’s maps and was recently awarded the 2014 William Mills Prize for Non-Fiction Polar Books.

Jessie is the daughter of two CU alumni, the sister of a CU alumna, and is a native of Boulder.  She graduated from Boulder High in 1996 before attending the University of Texas at Austin for two –and-a-half years.  As a student at UT, Jessie did a summer session at Oxford University in England studying the geography of England and of World War I.  As a senior at CU, she completed a winter study abroad in Nepal where she studied Eastern thought and high altitude geography & physiology.  Jessie is again a Boulder resident after living in Denver for seven years.  She is the head coach of a Boulder Valley Summer Swim League team and coaches adult Masters throughout the year.

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