ASK 2011
Please select $100 from the drop-down menu when donating. |
The Boettcher/Douglas Challenge: How it Works
Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this a multi-year pledge? A: No, this in a one-time challenge from Boettcher, helping PLC to achieve more stability in our undergraduate scholarship fund.
Q: Can corporations contribute to this challenge? A. Yes. Though the challenge was designed to encourage alumni and parent support, corporate donations will be accepted.
Q. My employer matches my gifts. Can the fund accept matching gifts from my employer? A. Yes! Corporate matching funds may be crucial to the success of the Boettcher Douglas challenge. While the first priority is to match the giving by individual alumni and parents, Boettcher will match any corporate giving to meet our goal.
Q: Will the matching funds from the challenge count towards other CU Foundation or PLC donations? A: No. Because the matching funds from this challenge are allocated to a restricted fund dedicated to scholarship aid, those matching dollars will not count toward other donor recognition. |