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Boulder, Colorado

The Presidents Leadership Class is located in Boulder, Colorado, a town that has won more accolades than any other city in America for its business climate, culture, health, recreation and overall quality of life. And now a new ranking from the popular Web site “The Daily Beast” ranks Boulder as the brainiest city in the country.  The Daily Beast ranking is based on three variables: the share of adults 25 and older who have advanced degrees; the share of employment made up by computer scientists and mathematicians; and how many working scientists are in the metro areas. The staff at The Daily Beast compiled data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to rank 362 U.S. metro regions.

Boulder is also home to the University of Colorado, which houses some of the nation’s best science programs and was recently named by BusinessWeek as the nation’s best place for start-up companies.

Here are some examples of recent lists with Boulder at or near the top.

* 10 Best Cities for the next decade. Kiplingers, May 2010
* Best city for start-ups, Business Week, April 2010
* Best Running Cities in America - Runner's World, December 2009
* Eleven Most Bicycle Friendly Cities in the World - Virgin Vacations Web site, December 2009
* 25 Coolest Film Festivals: 2009 - MovieMaker Magazine, July 2009
* The Best Cities to Raise an Outdoor Kid - Backpacker Magazine, August 2009
* 10 Top Wine Destinations - Food and Wine, July 2009
* 10 Best Places for Jobs - CNNMoney.com, December, 2009
* Best Places for College Grads - RelatorMag, October 2009
* Top 25 Arts Destinations - AmericanStyle magazine, June 2009
* The West's 20 Best Small Towns - Sunset Magazine, March 2009
* Best Places for Business and Careers - Forbes, March 2009 

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